Choosing A House Of Worship Over An Object Of Worship

Problems With a Passive Church
For the Christian it is the bible. The bible says not to add or subtract from what it says. The problem is we all struggle with what it says! Or, doesn’t say! Like the rich young ruler looking for Jesus’ approval, we all usually have something in our lives that contradicts biblical teaching and we don’t want to give it up. We want the hope for tomorrow Jesus offers, but we also want what the world offers today.
Finding God
There is no question the best way to find God is being raised in a Christian home where attending church every week is the normal routine. An arrangement that used to be a part of the blueprint for American families, but today even the traditional family is being destroyed by “progressive” thinking.
We are designed by God with a void that only He can fill, but when we don’t know who He is, then we try to fill the gap with other things. We are social beings by nature, so we work hard to make friends, fit in, etc. When we are not encouraged by those around us to find God, then we are vulnerable to all the other options this world we live in offers.