The Role of The Church
Everywhere we turn there are laws, standards, regulations, expectations… Some created by men, some by God. Do we have to obey? Submit? Comply? Can we ignore a few?
Some common debates inside and outside the church are over alcohol, sex, taxes… Some reserved for inside our churches include how many hours a week the pastor should work. How many hospital visits? How long does it take to prepare a sermon? Jesus said He wanted us to follow Him in spirit and truth. Simple enough, but as Pilate asked, “What is truth?”
Who Do You Serve?
In Paul’s letter to the Galatians he concluded we cannot please men and be a disciple of Christ. Obtaining approval from men involves walking away from God. Not an option for those of us looking to spend eternity in Heaven. The bible says we cannot serve God and money, yet how many of us try to today? Whether we realize it or not? How about our churches? Is the priority the people in the pews or the checkbook? Are we preaching the Word and shepherding the flock or are we more focused on the “ministry?” Upgrading the praise team? Raising money for a new bus? There’s always something to do.
Draw Closer To God
Jesus taught us to not be “entangled.” He said to get rid of anything that draws us away from God. And for good reason. Every day the enemy is trying to distract us with both good and evil. The bible says to “be on guard.” How many of us are so occupied with “ministry” that it has become a distraction from God’s eternal plan for us and our neighbor? “Be on guard.”